Category: Nature

  • Things to do in Førde; Sunnfjord museum

    Things to do in Førde; Sunnfjord museum

    Visiting an open-air museum, can be a fun and interesting activity. Sunnfjord museum is a small open-air museum, about 10 minutes’ drive from Førde. The museum was originally in Førde, but was moved to its current scenic location at Movika in 1950. What can you see at Sunnfjord museum? There is a museum building with…

  • My trip to the philosopher’s cabin

    My trip to the philosopher’s cabin

    On a Saturday morning, the author set out to find Wittgenstein’s cabin in Skjolden, Norway, drawn by its remote location in the dramatic fjord landscape. They embarked on a narrow, scenic drive and a steep hike, eventually reaching the cliffside cabin, enjoying solitude and the poignant atmosphere of the place.