Category: Road trip

  • Book town visit in Fjærland (Fjaerland)!

    Book town visit in Fjærland (Fjaerland)!

    A visit to the book town is always a fun time! You may not get what you came for, but you will usually leave with something interesting and unexpected. I came primarily because I hadn’t been in a while, and I was looking for some Le Guin, and as always folklore and ethnology. I didn’t…

  • My trip to the philosopher’s cabin

    My trip to the philosopher’s cabin

    On a Saturday morning, the author set out to find Wittgenstein’s cabin in Skjolden, Norway, drawn by its remote location in the dramatic fjord landscape. They embarked on a narrow, scenic drive and a steep hike, eventually reaching the cliffside cabin, enjoying solitude and the poignant atmosphere of the place.